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Stockholms stad

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SHIS Bostäder is the social housing resource in the City of Stockholm. We provide temporary apartments for people who for various social or financial reasons do not have any possibility of finding an apartment on their own on the regular housing market. During the housing period, we work together with the tenant on the obstacles preventing them from finding their own apartment. To get housing through SHIS, a person must be at least 18 years old and a registered resident in the City of Stockholm. You also need some form of residence permit.

SHIS does not have a housing queue for private individuals, but the city’s social services apply for housing on behalf of its clients. The housing is adapted to the tenant’s need of support.

SHIS has various forms of housing adapted to the special support needed by the tenants. We offer housing with various types of social housing support, where one version is housing with a zero-tolerance policy against alcohol and narcotics. We also have housing for people who have experienced intimate partner violence (after their acute protection need ends).

There is housing for young people from the age of 18 years, young adults between 25 and 30 years old, and for adults over the age of 25 and families over the age of 18. We also have housing for newly arrived Stockholm residents who have been placed in Stockholm Municipality by the Swedish Migration Agency.

For the group of newly arrived immigrants, it is a matter of integrating into Swedish society and time to look for a place on the regular housing market outside of SHIS.

All of SHIS’ apartments are rented out on temporary leases and without security of tenure. This means that our tenants only live with us for a limited period of time. The tenure depends on the tenant’s ability to find other housing. We require our tenants to actively look for housing, and the responsibility for finding such housing lies with the tenant. SHIS staff are on hand to give you advice on housing and how to find it. They support tenants on the road to finding their own housing in the regular housing market.

Private individuals, young people, adults and families without financial and/or social issues can look for housing in Stockholm through Bostadsförmedlingen, External link.. Your time in the queue and your income will determine how long it takes to find a place. You pay an annual fee to remain in the queue.

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